Collagen dressings encourage natural healing by donating collagen fibers that are essential for wound closure. These cost-effective, advanced wound care dressings can stay in place for several days, removing dead tissue and stimulating the growth of healthy tissue.

What’s in a Collagen Dressing?
Collagen is an essential protein that plays a major role in the healing process. In order to heal injured tissue and form new connective tissue, the body requires increased levels of collagen synthesis.
Collagen dressings promote wound healing by donating this key protein at the surface of the wound and stimulating the production of new collagen fibers and granulation tissue.
Collagen wound dressings also help to remove nonviable tissue and support new blood vessels formed during the healing process. In the final stages of wound healing, collagen dressings facilitate repair (epithelialization) across the surface of the wound while supporting and strengthening this new tissue.
Collagen dressings are non-adherent to the wound bed, which reduces trauma and pain upon removal and makes dressing changes simple.
Our Collagen Dressings contain type 1 collagen derived from 100% bovine (cattle) collagen membrane. In addition to encouraging natural growth and healing, these dressings help to maintain a moist healing environment by absorbing excess drainage.
Advantages of Collagen Dressings
- absorb minimal to large amounts of drainage
- promote deposition and organization of collagen fibers and healthy granulation tissue
- appropriate for infected, necrotic, and non-healing wounds
- conform to base of wound bed
- may be hydrated for dry or minimally draining wounds

How to Apply Collagen Dressings
- clean with wound cleanser or saline, pat dry
- apply flat dressing to wound bed (may be hydrated for dry wounds)
- cover & secure with secondary dressing (i.e. Ultra Bordered Foam Dressing, Silicone Absorbent Dressing)
- may be left in place up to 7 days, depending on amount of wound drainage

Our Collagen Dressings are non-adhesive pads that provide excellent moisture control while providing the healing benefits of collagen. Use on stubborn chronic wounds that continue to drain and need that extra healing boost from collagen.

Collagen Particles (also known as Collagen Powder) are of the best kept secrets of wound care professionals!
Collagen particles can be spread generously over nearly any wound and covered with a protective dressing. Collagen powder is extremely versatile and can be combined with hydrogel, medical honey, or Santyl for additional healing benefits of collagen.
Collagen particles are an excellent choice for wounds with surrounding moisture associated skin damage (MASD).
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